Friday, May 14, 2010


Hello Everybody!

Welcome to our new blog.
We are really excited to start this project since both of us love fashion and we were inspired by our great city. We figured that a blog is a great outlet to show our passion. We hope to have a lot of interesting street fashion shots, but also hopefully we get to show off some other aspects of fashion that we are really into.

This was our fist day out and about. We packed up our cameras and headed off to Bay and Bloor. Of course being neebies we missed some great looks (just testing the waters), once we got started we realized everybody is super friendly!

This was our first shot, we spotted this lovely lady walking down Bloor and we noticed two great things about her look; the fearless leggings and the detailed vest, which make a great look.

This is Catherine, who we also met on Bloor.
Really cute girl with great style, and again two things caught our attention; first off the Queens sweater (she makes it look cool not lazy!) and the vintage bag she got from her mom.

Nagham's outfit that day was nice too (Nagham: so emberessed to take pictures :S haha). My favorite thing are the deck shoes (Nagham: my mom's from the eighties!)

Photo by Tracey Nguyen.

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